IKCA Free Tier HQ Test & Promotion Package - 2nd-10th Degree Black Belt
IKCA Free Tier HQ Test & Promotion Package - 2nd-10th Degree Black Belt
This selection is for paying for your IKCA Headquarters Examination, Evaluation, and if you have passed, your Promotion to your next level between 2nd-10th Degree Black Belt level in IKCA Kenpo™.
Please fill out this form to submit to take the test:
Your $200 fee covers the cost for IKCA HQ to evaluate your exam and provides shipping you your physical promotion package:
- Your personalized IKCA Test Critique in PDF form.
- Your personalized IKCA Private Lesson & Critique video link.
If you have passed your test, you will additionally receive shipped to you:
- Your personalized IKCA Test Critique form.
- Your new IKCA Rank ID Card.
- Your IKCA Diploma.
- Your Promotion Letter.
Kataaro has a free rank stripes policy, if you ship your belt to them they will add rank stripes at no cost except your shipping charges. Please see their policy here.
If you would like to order a new black belt with your new rank, you may do so at your own cost following our IKCA Partnership program and save yourself some money.
The IKCA has made arrangements with an affiliate who can provide us with the quality belts you’ve come to expect as part of the IKCA.
Kataaro ( has been in business of making quality martial arts belts for many years, and we were able to negotiate an IKCA Member’s Discount for orders of Kenpo Black Belts and colored belts when ordered through their website.
You will receive 15% off any standard ordered belt by accessing Kataaro’s website through the links below, and following the instructions listed. (Please Note: Embroidered belts are NOT included in the discount availability due to the level of customization required.)
How to Get Your Belt
- IKCA Member:
- Kenpo Black Belts:
- IKCA Member creates an account on Kataaro’s website.
- Proceed through your order choosing your size belt, width, etc.
- IMPORTANT: If you are ordering a Black Belt with a 5th degree bar or 10th degree bars – the standard size Kataaro uses is a 4.5 inches bar. You must enter in the Special Instructions: “Please make the rank bars for this belt 5 inches.”(Otherwise your belt will be made with 4.5 inch bars.)
- Click Checkout to proceed to the payment options screen.
- On the Checkout screen there is a “Promotional Code” field. In this field, enter the code IKCA15.
- Finish your order.
You’ll receive 15% off your non-embroidered kenpo black belt, colored belt, or deluxe colored belt! It’s that easy!
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